E3: Explorations, Experimentation & Exegesis

I am woman, hear me roar...5'4". Blue eyes. Blonde -- until it turns grey someday. Have lived, well, lots of places, both in the USA and overseas. As of Jan 2006, have 4 dogs, 2 cats, 3 large parrots and a horse, hence "Zookeeper". 27 years service in the military. Anything else you want to know, ask -- I may or may not answer.

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Location: United States

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Dogs Days

The first Saturday of every month, downtown Frederick has "First Saturday Gallery Walk" from 5-9pm, where all the stores ( a wide variety, but a noticeable preponderance of "arty" shops) in the historic shopping district stay open until 9pm, a lot of them with specials, or things out on tables on the sidewalk. The First Saturday of August, though, is special: it's the Dog Days of Frederick. A large number of stores allow dogs on this night, some restaurants set up "puppy patios", lots of stores have doggy treats and water bowls on the sidewalks, and there are various contests (e.g., best costume or look-a-like)

I spent two hours there tonight, walking around with Tobey. He wore his little red backpack (E, remember me getting that at REI?) and was a big hit with lots of people because of it (some of whom asked if he was an assistance dog, or one in training). There were people - couples, families, singles, teens - and dogs everywhere, and I passed at least four street musicians or groups. Tobey & I were having such a good time, and the weather was so terrific (although it was a clear blue sunny day today, the humidity was low), that we stayed much longer than I thought we would, and the main reason I headed back when I did was because I needed to get back home to feed the pack. I'm looking forward to going back on a "regular" First Saturday, when it'll be easier to shop and eat at one of the restaurants (waiting time was too long at those places that allowed dogs).


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