E3: Explorations, Experimentation & Exegesis

I am woman, hear me roar...5'4". Blue eyes. Blonde -- until it turns grey someday. Have lived, well, lots of places, both in the USA and overseas. As of Jan 2006, have 4 dogs, 2 cats, 3 large parrots and a horse, hence "Zookeeper". 27 years service in the military. Anything else you want to know, ask -- I may or may not answer.

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Location: United States

Monday, September 04, 2006

Final Week

Well, a week from today I start my new job, working for Booz Allen Hamilton, a huge consulting firm whose major focus is the US Government. In terms of my first post-military job, it should be a pretty good deal. I'll be working with people I've worked with in the past, whom I respect and admire. I'll be back working in my primary specialty area, at top levels. I really won't be that far "out of the military", as almost all the clients I'll be working with are military, so it should still be in my comfort zone. And I'll be getting very good pay. It's nice to be wanted - I had two companies trying to recruit me, and so ended up getting offered very good starting pay, almost the same as I was making this past year as an O-6 with over 24 years active service. The upside of that is that I can now get serious about building our house/cabin in West Virginia. I was afraid that I was going to have to hold off, because usually you take a big pay cut in your first job after leaving the military.
On the other hand, the first couple weeks are going to be a shock, getting used to being at work all day all week again. Though I think it's going to be a bigger shock to the zoo, who have gotten used to having Mom around all day!


The world lost a great animal lover and conservationist today - Steve Irwin, aka the Crocodile Hunter. He who was sometimes over the top with his enthusiasm and "Crikey!" and "Isn't she a beauty?". So sad that he died so young, too (only 44!!), when he still had several decades ahead where he could have continued making a difference in protecting wildlife and conserving habitat. Sad, too, that he left two young kids behind.
I mention this passing because I have always admired Steve Irwin, and often wished my life could have been more like his -- or Jeff Corwin's. One of those things if I knew back then what I know now, my life could easily have taken a different path. In E's blog, she often has these "getting to know you" type of question lists. Occassionally there's a question like, "if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?" or "if you could trade places with anyone in the world, who would it be"? At the top of my list of answers to those questions would be Jeff Corwin and Steve Irwin.